Rabu, 29 Maret 2017

My Diary

Yogyakarta, 24 March 2017
Dear diary,

Today was a day that makes me restless, want to know why? I have planned to go home but on the other hand, I had been trusted as one of organization commite in my campus. It my responsibility to make it done. Could you imagine that? I already planning a homecoming for many days before because I had four free day to go home in hoping to stay longer there. But right on the same day I got to finish my duty in campus organization. Indeed, this event also becomes my target to do. I really dilemma by these two choices. Both of them were very important to me. But, I must chose one of them. On this side, I chose to join the organization, the responsibility that should take but on the other side the homesick was always haunting my mind. Good night Diary, see you.

My Diary

Yogyakarta, 23 March 2017

Perawatan Mobil

KATA PENGANTAR Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Puji Syukur saya panjatkan atas kehadirat Allah SWT, karena  atas berkat rahmat dan hidaya...